Ses différents projets questionnent le cycle de la vie, le temps, la solitude et le rapport à l'autre. Les figures mythiques [madone, ange, déesse] côtoient des maux contemporains [burn out, extinction animale], tirant du tragique une beauté mélancolique.
La musique et la poésie sont moteurs dans son travail, avec toujours une omniprésence du symbolisme. Elle choisit son médium en fonction du projet développé, passant de la performance d’enfermement aux dessins à l’encre de Chine, de la photographie et de la vidéo à l’installation, mêlant les techniques, jouant avec les limites de chacune.
L’ensemble de son travail forme un tout, un autre monde constitué de paysages oniriques et de créatures mutantes, un monde régi par son propre panthéon, ses légendes et ses esprits.
Comédienne de formation, elle collabore régulièrement avec des artistes plasticiens, des poètes, des réalisateurs et des metteurs en scène - Martial Raysse, Dimitri Chamblas, Paul Armand Gette, Brigitte Aubignac, Thomas Kovachevich, Jean-Claude Silbermann, Luc Boltanski, etc - dans le cadre de performances, lectures, films, projets photographiques et théâtraux en France et à l'étranger.
All her projects explore the cycle of life, time, loneliness and relationships. Mythical figures [madonna, angel, goddess] stand alongside contemporary woes [burn out, animal extinction], drawing a melancholic beauty from the tragic.
Music and poetry are engines, always with a ubiquity of symbolism. The medium is chosen depending of the project, going from confinement performances to Indian ink, from photography and video to installations, blending techniques and playing with the boundaries of each.
The entirety of her work forms a whole, another world made up of dreamlike landscapes and mutant creatures, a world governed by its own pantheon, legends and spirits.
Trained as an actress, she regularly collaborates with French and international contemporary artists, poets, movie makers and stage directors - Martial Raysse, Dimitri Chamblas, Paul Armand Gette, Brigitte Aubignac, Thomas Kovachevich, Jean-Claude Silbermann, Luc Boltanski, etc. - within the framework of performances, readings, films, photographic projects, and theatrical endeavors in France and abroad.
Music and poetry are engines, always with a ubiquity of symbolism. The medium is chosen depending of the project, going from confinement performances to Indian ink, from photography and video to installations, blending techniques and playing with the boundaries of each.
The entirety of her work forms a whole, another world made up of dreamlike landscapes and mutant creatures, a world governed by its own pantheon, legends and spirits.
Trained as an actress, she regularly collaborates with French and international contemporary artists, poets, movie makers and stage directors - Martial Raysse, Dimitri Chamblas, Paul Armand Gette, Brigitte Aubignac, Thomas Kovachevich, Jean-Claude Silbermann, Luc Boltanski, etc. - within the framework of performances, readings, films, photographic projects, and theatrical endeavors in France and abroad.